Project: Based on the three words ‘Ant, Agon and NY’ a service was designed with the user-centric approach. The prototypes are used to design a rapid service which involves the end users in developing and refining the service. The team developed various methods of exploring qualitative components during different experiences and explored new ways of prototyping.
Solution: Each iteration is based on the lessons learned from the previous cycle. The team chose to include the end users in the design process as a way to keep on checking what the users' needs are leading us to identify a service which is radically innovative. The process continued till the team identified a possible need which focuses on breaking one’s insecurities and tried to make them feel comfortable in their own skin.
Outcome: FUDS was a project during which the core principle of service prototyping was understood. By the end of the project, an experience on how to design a process based on immersive techniques were explored in user-centric/Human-centric design approach from the start till the end was witnessed. By the end of the project, the team learned to embrace the ambiguity required in order to detach from the ordinary.
Contribution: Contributed to all the stages of the project development, from prototyping till the refinement of the final iteration.
Contributors: Shreya Dhawan, Siddhant Patel, Stephen Schwab, Yuk Yu Sin (Ada)
Year: 2016
Given Theme
Word Association
In order to kick-start the design process, the team brainstormed words associated with the given theme Ant, Agon and NY. The team chose to perform word association in order to identify associated pattern by words and to maintain the connection of the given theme to the designed service. The words Bite, Against and Stability was used to derive narratives for the next step.
Distribution method to identify the most compelling narrative: Each narrative was shared with the end user through a phone. It was emphasized that the narrative would be recited once and hence should listen carefully. Followed by 24 hours, the participants would have to recite the narrative back to us via a text message.
Narrative one and Responses
Narrative two and Responses
Narrative three and responses
Distribution of the narrative in order to identifying the needs: After identifying the most compelling narrative (Story three) a text message was shared “ A bug bites an elephant to turn into a human. After reading this statement, what’s an example of product AND a service that comes to your mind? Please give a reason for your answer. Thank you.”